About Us

We at Friends of Nature, Cyprus are an Independent Award Centre in Cyprus who delivers The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award to several private schools all over Cyprus as well as to individual participants.

Award Sections

There are four (five for Gold) sections to the Award. For each section the participant needs to choose an activity. The participant may choose to start a new activity or to develop their skills further in an activity they are already undertaking.


It is hoped that the participant will develop a lifelong commitment to voluntary service and community involvement.

Physical Recreation

By introducing you people to enjoyable physical activity, they will hopefully develop long-term beneficial habits.


The Award cultivates skills such as leadership, teamwork and co-operation as well as communication.

Adventurous Journey

It is hoped that the participant will develop a spirit of adventure and discovery whilst undertaking a journey in a group.

Residential Project (only Gold)

It is hoped to broaden the participants experience through involvement with others in a residential setting.


For those over 14 years.
6 months minimum participation.


For those over 15 years.
12 months minimum participation.


For those over 16 years.
18 months minimum participation.

Award Levels

The Award is available to all young people aged 14 to 24.

It is voluntary, non-competitive, enjoyable and balanced, and requires sustained effort over time. The Award encourages young people to design their own programme of activities, set their own goals and challenge themselves to achieve their aims.


Through the Award, young people can be empowered with not just the confidence but the desire to create meaningful change, to find their purpose, passion and place in the world.

Guiding Principles

There are ten guiding principles that underpin the philosophy of the Award.

They are designed to ensure that a young person has a meaningful and purposeful journey through their Award, as well as ensuring that the impact of achieving their Award provides a lasting personal legacy.

Award Impacts

The Award has developed a number of impact measures by examining existing research and evidence on its effectiveness as a youth development programme. Much of this evidence is based on young people’s own reports of how doing their Award has transformed their outlook. It also takes into account the views of employers, educational institutions, parents and youth leaders.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is a global framework for non-formal education, which challenges young people aged 14-24 to dream big, celebrate their achievements and make a difference in
their world.
Since its launch in 1956 it has inspired millions of young people to transform their lives. Participants design their own Award programme, set their own goals and record their own progress. By creating opportunities for young people to develop skills, get physically active, give service and experience adventure, the Award can play a critical role in their development outside the classroom. The Award allows young people’s achievements to be consistently recognised worldwide, giving them unique international accreditation of their experiences.

The Award consists of three Levels: Bronze, Silver, and Gold.

The Award has four sections designed to provide a balanced programme of personal development and challenge. These sections are as follows: Service, Skills, Physical Recreation, and Adventurous Journey. For Gold Level, there is an extra section: Residential Project.

The Award cannot be achieved in a shorter time span by working more intensely as the objective is to develop as sense of commitment to a given task over time. Participants must persist for at least the below minimum periods:
Bronze Award: 6 Months
Silver Award: 12 Months (6 Months for Bronze Award holders)
Gold Award: 18 Months (12 Months for Gold Award holders)

In order to ensure that the high quality, standards and values of the Award are maintained, the participants must be able to submit evidence to demonstrate that they are regularly completing each section and for the total required time.

The participant does this by logging their progress on the Online Record Book (ORB). At the end of the required duration of each section they will ask each adult (Assessor) that oversees each activity to fill in and sign the relevant form in order to confirm that they have completed each of their sections. This only needs to be done after they have completed the minimum number of months, not every time they attend their chosen activity for each section.

Some activities, such as attending a gym or going swimming, may not have an adult present each time, or will have different adults present, so a regular Assessor will not be possible. In this instance they can discuss with their Award Leader how they are going to record the above and get their sections signed off at the end of the required period.

Taking part in the Award is a rewarding and enjoyable experience that will involve your child undertaking a variety of activities. The ethos of the Award is that these activities take place within the participant’s own time and where possible in their local community. The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation licenses appropriate organisations to deliver the Award through a robust quality assurance process. This means that Friends of Nature, Cyprus and its staff possess the appropriate skills, qualifications and background to deliver the Award as well as to work with young people.

However, in the course of working towards their Award program your child will probably take part in 
activities that are not directly under the control of our Award staff. In this instance you should be aware that the responsibility for ensuring the safety of such activities rests with yourself rather than the Award Leader. While most of these organisations and schools will have their own policies in place to protect your child, we would advise that you satisfy yourself that they are suitable in the same way that you would treat any activity that your child takes part in. For example, if your child chooses to coach younger children at a local sports club for their Service section of their Award, then it is your responsibility to satisfy yourself that this is a safe and appropriate organisation.

We would therefore recommend that you discuss with your child which activities they will be completing for each of their sections of the Award and which organisations they will be using to complete these activities.

The Adventurous Journey (“AJ”) section is a unique opportunity for your child to experience self-reliance and team work in an outdoors environment. Participants will have to attend training sessions, run by their assigned Award Leaders, to ensure that have the necessary skills and knowledge for their journey. Training sessions include classroom and or outdoor based learning as well as a practice journey which needs to be passed before taking part in their qualifying journey.

For the qualifying AJ of all Award levels, the participants must complete a self-sufficient and self-reliant journey. This means that the participant will walk with remote adult supervision, on an agreed route, while carrying all the equipment and food that they will need for the duration of their journey. Adult leaders will monitor the progress of the groups by meeting them at various points.

The participants will be in a group of between four and seven young people. They must work together as a team, take responsibility for their equipment, actions and discussions as well as dealing with any situation that may arises along the way.


Our team consists of one Award Coordinator and five Award Leaders. All our Award Leaders are also Adventurous Journey Supervisors / Assessors.

Mark Bryan

Each year The Award is regularly stated by graduate employers as being a definitive qualification for demonstrating that an individual has the rounded set of skills and qualities that they are looking for. With The Award being such a prestigious achievement it means that those that have completed it will stand out from the crowd when applying to university and jobs.

Angela Christophi

Award Coordinator

About Us

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The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award

Since 2015 we have had at least 1,500 participants at our International Award Centre.

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Beach Cleanup

At our last beach cleanup in cooperartion with other NGOs at Softades we gathered close to 200kg of trash!

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Friends of Nature, Cyprus has been active from 2004 until 2009, and again from 2015.

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Since 2004, we have been involved in many projects and have since completed 10+ projects.


We are campaigning for sustainable solutions

Our mission is to develop an appreciative awareness of the island’s natural and cultural wealth, and to safeguard that wealth, contributing to a better quality of life for present and future generations.

The Experts

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The Fight

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium rem aperiam, eaque ipsa.

The Solutions

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium rem aperiam, eaque ipsa.


By 2050 100% Renewable energy for all

What do people say?

I admittedly got discouraged during the expedition and the physical as well as the mental challenges of its completion were very hard to overcome. It is after the expedition that we all realized how valuable were the lessons we learnt during our journey. Without exaggeration, we came to appreciate certain circumstances we take for granted in our daily lives and grew into mature and conscious individuals.
Gold Award Participant

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."

Albert Einstein

At the last excursion to Kormakitis we got to visit some amazing places including the churches of St. George and St. Mary, the newly established agro-tourism accommodation “Payt tel Ruso”, the ethnographic museum, as well as the farm “Ranco tel vata”. I whole heartedly recommend Friends of Nature, Cyprus! The tour guides who were with us were really amazing with their local knowledge.
Excursion Participant

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